Layer.studio Take a Study Trip to Amsterdam
At the end summer, Layer.studio embarked on a studio-wide study trip to a very hot and sunny Amsterdam. The weekend saw us walking, cycling and even swimming our way around the city and its landscapes.
After pondering potential cities to visit, we decided on Amsterdam due to its setting, location and genuine human centric design approach to its external spaces.
On the first day we rented bikes and Ollie took us on his magical mystery tour! We visited high density inner-city housing developments such as Borneo-Sporenburg and Funenpark during the morning and retreated to the cooler climates and waters of Schinkel Islands and Vondelpark for the afternoon.
Even though our time spent there was short, the impact and inspiration it had on the team is showing through in our designs and conversations within the studio - whether a less manicured and wilder planting palette or removal of borders to seamlessly bleed hard into soft.
Amsterdam is a city that champions well executed and thoughtful landscape architecture - the material palettes are gorgeous, the furniture is beautiful and the cycle infrastructure is some of the best in the world.